Februári e-könyv-ajánló

Steve Berry: The Third Secret: A novel of Suspense

Három jelenés, három kinyilatkoztatás, három évszázadok titok. Portugáliában, 1917-ben a Szűzanya teste öltött, és súlyos titkokat bízott egy kislányra. Két titokra azóta már fény derült, de a legsúlyosabb, az egyház és a világ sorsára vonatkozó üzenetet a vatikáni levéltár őrizte hét lakat alatt, mindmáig.

This edition contains an excerpt from Steve Berry's The Columbus Affair. Explosive in both its pace and its revelations, The Third Secret is a remarkable international thriller. Bestselling author Steve Berry tackles some of the most controversial ideas of our time in a breakneck journey through the history of the Church and the future of religion. Fatima, Portugal, 1917: The Virgin Mary appears to three peasant children, sharing with them three secrets, two of which are soon revealed to the world. The third secret is sealed away in the Vatican, read only by popes, and not disclosed until the year 2000. When revealed, its quizzical tone and anticlimactic nature leave many faithful wondering if the Church has truly unveiled all of the Virgin Mary's words–or if a message far more important has been left in the shadows. Vatican City, present day: Papal secretary Father Colin Michener is concerned for the Pope. Night after restless night, Pope Clement XV enters the Vatican's Riserva, the special archive open only to popes, where the Church's most clandestine and controversial documents are stored. Though unsure of the details, Michener knows that the Pope's distress stems from the revelations of Fatima. Equally concerned, but not out of any sense of compassion, is Alberto Cardinal Valendrea, the Vatican's Secretary of State,. Valendrea desperately covets the papacy, having narrowly lost out to Clement at the last conclave. Now the Pope's interest in Fatima threatens to uncover a shocking ancient truth that Valendrea has kept to himself for many years. When Pope Clement sends Michener to the Romanian highlands, then to a Bosnian holy site, in search of a priest–possibly one of the last people on Earth who knows Mary's true message– a perilous set of events unfolds. Michener finds himself embroiled in murder, suspicion, suicide, deceit, and his forbidden passion for a beloved woman. In a desperate search for answers, he travels to Pope Clement's birthplace in Germany, where he learns that the third secret of Fatima may dictate the very fate of the Church–a fate now lying in Michener's own hand.

J.R.R. Tolkien : The Making of a Legend  

John Ronald Reuel Tolkient leggyakrabban A Gyűrűk Ura, valamint az ezt megelőző A hobbit (Szobotka Tibor eredeti fordításában A babó) szerzőjeként ismerik. Középfölde eredetével és történelmével foglalkozó könyve, A szilmarilok szintén igen ismert. E művek folyamatos és időtálló népszerűsége alapozta meg Tolkien hírnevét a modern fantasy atyjaként.

Long before the successful The Lord of the Rings films, J.R.R. Tolkien's creations, imagination, and characters had captured the attention of millions of readers. But who was the man who dreamt up the intricate languages and perfectly crafted world of Middle-earth? Tolkien had a difficult life, for many years: orphaned and poor, his guardian forbad him to communicate with the woman he had fallen in love with, and he went through the horrors of the First World War. An intensely private and brilliant scholar, he spent over fifty years working on the languages, history, peoples and geography of Middle-earth, with a consistent mythology and body of legends inspired by a formidable knowledge of early northern European history and culture. J.R.R. Tolkien became a legend by creating an imaginary world that has enthralled and delighted generations. This delightful and accessible biography brings him to life.

Food for the Fast Lane – Recipes to Power Your Body and Mind

Want to enjoy delicious food that fuels your body, gives you energy and powers your performance? Derval O'Rourke is one of Ireland's greatest athletes. She likes to eat and train, not diet and exercise. After devising a nutritionally balanced training menu with peak performance in mind, she gained boundless energy and a better ability to focus, both on and off the track. Here in Food for the Fast Lane she reveals the tasty and nutritious recipes that helped her reach her goals as a professional athlete.A food lover and fitness fanatic, Derval's cookbook contains 100 recipes for main meals and snacks as well as nutritional advice, motivational encouragement and training tips to be used every day to power your body and mind – on and off the track.Everything is intertwined. Cooking and eating well are vital for a happy, healthy life, and what you put into your body determines how you live and feel. So get ready to discover Derval's theory for yourself: goodness in = greatness out. Eat like an athlete; perform for your life. Praise for Food for the Fast Lane‘I'm so impressed with the taste of Derval's dishes – they're really fabulous and I can see how healthy and energy-giving they are.'Rachel Allen, The Sunday Independent.

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